
Why you should stop asking the only black person in the room where they really come from?

When I say I come from Paris in France, no one asks me further questions, besides if I know Kylian Mbappe or if I could see the Eiffel Tower from my balcony. Sadly no, and oh-my-God-do-you-have-any-idea-of-the-parisian-real-estate-no. But I was never asked where I really came from. Or where my parents came from.I am writing about something …

Unpopular opinion: No, constant nudity exposure on social media is not the right way to claim our bodies back

If I may give you my unsolicited opinion…Society, Men, and Women have that tendency to feel like they are entitled to give their unwanted opinions regarding our bodies. Too skinny, too big, “vulgar”, too white, not white enough, too old, too young… Our bodies are like a movie no one has seen but everybody talks …

Career, multiple jobs and other illusional professional choices: when did we stop working to live and start living to work?

In his book, “Vers la sobriété heureuse”, Pierre Rabhi — a French thinker, writer, farmer, and environmentalist who dedicated his life to finding a way to cohabitate with our planet and its souls — tells the story of a village chief in Burkina Faso who shares with him about giving half his land to the …

do not disturb

Vous connaissez la fonctionnalité do not disturb sur iPhone ? Évidemment que vous connaissez, tout le monde connaît, sauf moi qui ai découvert ça il y a deux semaines. Cette fonctionnalité — pour les septuagénaires qui me lisent (coucou maman) — permet de ne pas recevoir ses notifications tant qu’elle est activée. Vous pouvez avoir …

service recommended

Demain, je m’envole pour Singapour. Un séjour en solo pour profiter de l’une de mes amies, des jardins suspendus, de Little India, des malls toujours plus hauts, des trottoirs toujours larges, des vegan meatballs spaghettis à 34$ (!), mais surtout… du Genius Bar du Jewel Changi Airport de Singapour. Ma batterie de mac m’affiche service …